Thursday, March 19, 2009

Books, Readers and Beyond: #54 Social Networking Through Books

1. Have I ever been a member of a book club and do I prefer in-person or online? I have attended a few book club meetings and lost interest. I prefer reading nonfiction exclusively and few book clubs are set up that way.
2. What views come into mind for implementing a book club into our library? We have a book club at present. It chooses a mixture of nonfiction and fiction titles. Were I to implement a book club, I might try an all nonfiction format to see what interest I would get. Perhaps others would enjoy that genre. I searched for an interesting book club in Houston Meetup Groups. I found a local book club that is reading, "Obama: from promise to power" by David Mendell. It's a current nonfiction title that would be interesting to read and discuss.
3. I searched for David Sedaris' Me Talk Pretty One Day on several of the social networks. Many of the sites require registration. I found two that did not: LibraryThing and Reading Group Choices. LibraryThing's readers rated the book a 4.11 out of a possible 5 points. Reading Group Choices did not list the title at as recommended for reading groups. What I found surprising was the number of sites that required pre-registration for participation.

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