Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 7: #17 About Technology

What do I think about technology? In the library, I regard it in a strictly utilitarian way; that is, what can it do to help me deliver the information the customer needs in a way that is meaningful to them? I do not hold the idea of technology sacred. It is only as useful as it is useful. I do not use technology for the sake of using technology. I liken it to driving: I like that the car gets me there but I am not a mechanic.

Although technology is wonderful and can be useful, we must remember we have customers who are unable to afford the devices that would allow them access to some of our services: home oomputers on which to avail themselves of services such as live reference; portable digital devices that would allow them to download music or books; cd players that would allow them to listen to audiobooks or music.

In the Deep Heart's Core said that the foundation of librarianship will remain --"the desire to connect the customer with the information requested in the best and most reliable fashion." Sometimes the best delivery is augmented by technology and sometimes it depends on lower tech solutions. In reaching to advance our profession, let's not leave out those who do not have access to technology's latest tools.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you in regards to those who do not have the latest technology in their home. I am one of those. We have basic everything in our house. We need to remember these people in our libraries. We should not take for granted that "everyone" knows how to use the internet and search for information in space.